This program is for next-level achievers that have a staff or a team that can make the recommended changes I will guide you through to Quantumleap your results. This program can cover any area of need from finances, online marketing, team development, structure, systems – anything that you need to grow and scale.
It’s a 90-day – 1:1 with me – direct access consulting/coaching program where our goal is to get you the system and structure in place so you can get the results you have been looking for and set you up for your next level.
Because of the time considerations, I only take on 11 clients a year in this program. Make sure you are one of them.
Get the 1:1 Guidance You Need to QuantumLeap Your Results!
In less than 30 days Brenda had her
– identity – USP – Landing Page – Web Changes – Signature Program Developed – Promotional Videos and more.
In 3 weeks Chelsea had made over $21,000 and $37k by the end of that month.
With the right guidance how much can you get done in 3 months?
*Lock In pricing ensures even when the price increases, your price will remain your original price for as long as you continue to be a part of the program.
Tracy Repchuk As Seen On…
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